==> Checking packages (Arch) -> remote changes: no ==> Checking community (Arch) -> remote changes: yes remote: Enumerating objects: 14, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. remote: Total 9 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done. From git://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD 830e1cb4528..8d0c96128ed master -> origin/master ==> Cloning packages (Artix Linux) ... Cloning into 'packages'... gitea@gitea.artixlinux.org: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. --> Time clone_tree: 0.02 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning community (Artix Linux) ... Cloning into 'community'... gitea@gitea.artixlinux.org: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. --> Time clone_tree: 0.02 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: community: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-kernel (Artix Linux) ... Cloning into 'packages-kernel'... gitea@gitea.artixlinux.org: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. --> Time clone_tree: 0.02 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-kernel: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-openrc (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-openrc': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-openrc: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-runit (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-runit': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-runit: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-xorg (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-xorg': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-xorg: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-python (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-python': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-python: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-perl (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-perl': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-perl: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-java (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-java': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-java: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-qt5 (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-qt5': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-qt5: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-devel (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-devel': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-devel: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-ruby (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-ruby': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-ruby: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-gtk (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-gtk': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-gtk: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-gnome (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-gnome': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-gnome: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-cinnamon (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-cinnamon': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-cinnamon: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-lxqt (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-lxqt': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-lxqt: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-mate (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-mate': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-mate: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-kde (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-kde': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-kde: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory ==> Cloning packages-xfce (Artix Linux) ... fatal: could not create work tree dir 'packages-xfce': Permission denied --> Time clone_tree: 0.00 minutes /usr/lib/artools/pkg/subrepo.sh: line 132: cd: packages-xfce: No such file or directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory fatal: not in a git directory