A work around I successfully used in debian, ubuntu and rhel7 is creating a short python script that's started automatically when you log into the gnome session. Note that in rhel7 the key combination to lock is super + l. Create /etc/xdg/autostart/gscreenlock.py like this: #!/usr/bin/python import dbus import dbus.service import dbus.glib import gobject import os class ScreenDbusObj(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self): session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() bus_name=dbus.service.BusName("org.gnome.ScreenSaver",bus=session_bus) dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus_name, '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver') @dbus.service.method("org.gnome.ScreenSaver") def Lock(self): os.system( "xscreensaver-command -lock" ) if __name__ == '__main__': object=ScreenDbusObj() gobject.MainLoop().run() Then make it executable: chmod a+rx /etc/xdg/autostart/gscreenlock.py And edit /etc/xdg/autostart/gscreenlock.desktop like this: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Name=gscreenlock TryExec=/etc/xdg/autostart/gscreenlock.py Exec=/etc/xdg/autostart/gscreenlock.py NoDisplay=true NotShowIn=XFCE;KDE; Comment=Allows screen locking in gnome