for p in perl-http-message ; do buildtree -i -p $p; extrapkg -u -p $p; done sed: can't read /etc/artools/pkglist.d/gfx.list: No such file or directory /usr/bin/buildtree: eval: line 179: syntax error near unexpected token `)' /usr/bin/buildtree: eval: line 179: ` ) tree=packages-gfx ;;' ==> repo: extra-any -> pkgname: perl-http-message -> pkgdesc: HTTP style messages -> Arch Version: 6.24-1 -> arch: any -> makedepends: perl-try-tiny -> depends: perl perl-clone perl-encode-locale perl-http-date perl-io-html perl-lwp-mediatypes perl-uri -> Artix Version: 6.24-1 ==> Sync (perl-http-message) from Arch [packages/perl-http-message/repos/extra-any] to Artix [packages-perl/perl-http-message/trunk] building file list ... 2 files to consider sent 99 bytes received 12 bytes 222.00 bytes/sec total size is 979 speedup is 8.82 rm 'perl-http-message/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD' ==> Action: [trunk] -> [extra] 'perl-http-message-6.24-1' add On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working tree clean Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': ==> Checking (packages-perl) (Artix Linux) -> remote changes: yes Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Current branch master is up to date. -> Subrepo push (perl-http-message) Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': git-subrepo: Command failed: 'git push subrepo/perl-http-message:master'. Gitea: Unauthorized User: 77:linuxer with Key: is not authorized to write to packagesperl/perl-http-message. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. -> Subrepo clean (perl-http-message) Removed branch 'subrepo/perl-http-message'. ==> Update (packages-perl) Enter passphrase for key '/home/linuxer/.ssh/artix': Gitea: Unauthorized User: 77:linuxer with Key: is not authorized to write to artixlinux/packages-perl. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.